Tuesday 13 October 2015

PS Induction 2 - Animation

 Although I learned how to animate with Photoshop last year, I still learned a lot that I didn't know or had already forgotten. 

Here is something I didn't know how to do: create an animation using layers of different 'objects'. We used a backdrop to a video game to create horizontal movement to the left. We used two methods to achieve this; the first, we created video layers out of each image layer and key framed the objects. This made the objects gradually travel from one point to another. The other method we used (which is slightly more effort) is the frame animation in which we duplicated the first frame about 10 times, and shifted each object little by little for each frame. I found that the results for this method were a bit shaky.

Here is the result. This is a gif created from the first method I mentioned. The results are pretty smooth. Another thing to note is that while we were animation the scenery, the borders of the image were a lot wider than what we ended up with. That is because we created a crop preview that eliminates the surrounding edges. This gave us more freedom to shift things around because we were not inhibited by the blank spaces peeking through along the edges of the art board.


Frame by frame animation is something I am very used to because of my final major project last year on the Foundation course. 

I didn't have a Wacom tablet with me but I created a very quick blip of an animation.


Lastly, using a storyboard excerpt from the animated movie Brave, we were taught to create a gif from a series of images. This is something I knew how to do but needed a quick refreshing on.

So, I created my own. This is one of my flip books from the 'Flippin' 'Eck' module.

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