Saturday 21 May 2016

World War II Death Count - Neil Halloran

I have been more and more interested in motion graphics and graphic design and this video is a great example of why. Visual communication is, in my opinion, the most effective. With a good design that communicates and illustrates information clearly you can bring a lot of people's attention to very important issues and actually make a difference in the world. In this case, what is being communicated is war statistics, in particular casualties. The design is somber with a color palette that is dark and sometimes has a splash of red. In order to really create an impact on the viewer, the casualties are counted with little figures each representing 1000 casualties.


The animation is also quite chilling as well as the subtle sound effects. For instance, when the little figures gather, they flock in with a sound of a deck of cards and they flock away in the same manner disappearing into blackness. It is haunting to visualize so many casualties and Neil Halloran does a beautiful job elegantly illustrating tragedy in a statistical manner.

Click here for the animation:

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